When and where should I plant garlic?


When and where should I plant garlic?


In Iowa, October is the time to plant garlic cloves 1-1.5 inches deep and 3-5 inches apart in well-drained, fertile soils.

Ideal Planting Conditions

Grow garlic in well-drained, fertile soils that are high in organic matter. Amend heavy, clay soils with compost or well-rotted manure before planting to prevent misshapen bulbs.  Garlic does not grow well or reliably from seed.  Plant cloves obtained from garden centers or mail-order companies in fall (October to early November).  Do not plant garlic cloves purchased from grocery stores as these are usually softneck cultivars from warmer regions that are not well adapted to Iowa’s climate.

Planting Procedure

Plant large cloves 1 to 1.5 inches deep with the pointed side up, 3 to 5 inches apart within rows that are spaced 18 to 24 inches apart.  Start with large cloves as they produce larger bulbs.  Fall-planted garlic should be mulched in November with a 4- to 6-inch-layer of weed-seed free straw to help prevent winter injury.  In early spring, move the straw to between the rows to allow the garlic foliage to emerge.

Answered by
  • Specialist
  • Consumer Horticulture Extension
Last updated on
March 19, 2024