There are tan-colored, rough spots on the surface of my pear fruit. Is it possible to prevent this from occurring?


There are tan-colored, rough spots on the surface of my pear fruit. Is it possible to prevent this from occurring?


Russeting is probably responsible for the tan-colored spots on your pears.  Russeting also develops on the surface of apples.  While affected fruit are not attractive, russeting doesn’t affect the eating quality of the fruit. 

Several factors may be responsible for russeting.  High humidity, rainfall or heavy dew, cold temperatures, and use of certain fungicides may induce russeting.  Genetics also play a role in russeting.  Some pear varieties are more likely to develop russeting than others.  Since most factors responsible for russeting are beyond our control, little can be done to prevent its occurrence. 

Last updated on
February 24, 2022