There are small masses of foam-like material on my strawberry plants. What are these foam-like masses?


There are small masses of foam-like material on my strawberry plants. What are these foam-like masses?


The foam-like masses on the strawberry plants were probably created by the meadow spittlebug.  The meadow spittlebug is one of several species of this commonly recognized group of sap-feeding insects.  Spittlebugs are familiar because of the frothy, wet mass of “spittle” that surrounds the nymphs as they feed on sap from their host plants.  The spittle is produced by the immature stage of the insect (the nymph) and protects the nymphs from natural enemies and desiccation. 

While the foam-like masses of spittlebugs are conspicuous and somewhat obnoxious, spittlebugs cause little harm to plants.  Control efforts are usually not warranted. 

Last updated on
February 24, 2022