How do I produce my own sweet potato plants?


How do I produce my own sweet potato plants?


To produce your own slips (plants), select a large, unblemished sweet potato from the previous year’s harvest.  Place sand in the bottom of a pot or other large container.  Set the sweet potato horizontally on the surface of the sand and then cover with 2 additional inches of sand.  Water thoroughly, then place the sweet potato in a warm (70 to 75 degree Fahrenheit) location.  Keep the sand moist throughout the slip production period.  Shoots should emerge from the sand in a few weeks.  When the shoots are 8 to 10 inches long, carefully remove the sand from the base of the shoots and cut them off of the sweet potato.  Plant the slips outdoors after the danger of frost is past.  Start the slip production procedure about 6 to 8 weeks before the intended outdoor planting date.  

Last updated on
March 2, 2022