How do I prevent rabbits from damaging plants in the vegetable garden?


How do I prevent rabbits from damaging plants in the vegetable garden?


The most effective way to prevent rabbit damage in the vegetable garden is by placing chicken wire fencing or hardware cloth around vulnerable plants. Fencing material that is 2 foot tall should be adequate. Support the fence with wooden stakes or metal posts. (Rebars work nicely with chicken wire fencing.) To keep rabbits from crawling underneath the fence, pin it tightly to the ground with u-shaped landscape pins or bury the bottom 1 to 2 inches below the ground. 

Vegetables that are frequently damaged by rabbits include snap bean, pea, beets, lettuce, and spinach.  Tomato, potato, and onion are less likely to be damaged by rabbits.

Last updated on
March 2, 2022