New Complimentary Service from the Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic: Sample Trackers!

In 2023, we are used to being able to track everything. Mail parcels, pizza deliveries, our pets, and so much more. Well, it is time for the Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic (PIDC) to catch up to 2023.

We are introducing a new complimentary service from the PIDC this year in the form of our Sample Trackers. When using our sample trackers, you’ll start at this dashboard where you’ll pick which sample tracker is right for you: Plant/Insect Sample Tracker or Nematode Sample Tracker.

After you select the tracker that is right for you based on the type of sample you submitted, you’ll be taken to a new page. I’ll use the Plant/Insect Sample Tracker as an example here.

On the Plant & Insect Sample Tracker page, you’ll see two columns (see photo below): one is a guide on how to use the sample tracker and the other is the sample tracker itself. Reading through the guide will help you understand how to find your sample, descriptions of the columns in the tracker, and descriptions of each diagnostic method that might be listed under “diagnostic plan” for your sample.

The diagnostic plan is a list of methods that we plan to use in diagnosing your plant sample, which we provide for your convenience. The “current status” of your sample, in the last column of the sample tracker, shows where your sample is at in the process. The plan is to update the sample trackers once daily at 5:00 p.m.

The Sample Tracker list is very short, for now. Once things really begin to pick up in the PIDC, expect this list to become much longer. Finding your sample can be made easier then by using “control + F” or “command + F” on your PC or MacBook computer, respectively.

On iOS (Apple) devices, you can touch and hold anywhere on the sample tracker page for the “find selection” option to pop up. Using this option, you can type in your sample number, and it will be highlighted to help you find it. (See photo A. below). On Android devices using the Chrome browser, you can tap the three dots on the top of the page and select “Find in page”, which will then prompt you to enter information, where you can enter your sample number, which it will highlight. (See photo B. below)

This is a new idea and a new kind of experiment for us. We are trying to improve our services for our clients, which in turn will help us in the PIDC. As it is new, we strongly encourage any questions or feedback be directed to us at We look forward to hearing what you think about this new, complimentary service now that we are finally catching up with other services that allow you to track things. Visit our website for information about the PIDC and sample submission. 

Photo A

Photo B

Links to this article are strongly encouraged, and this article may be republished without further permission if published as written and if credit is given to the author, Horticulture and Home Pest News, and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. If this article is to be used in any other manner, permission from the author is required. This article was originally published on May 9, 2023. The information contained within may not be the most current and accurate depending on when it is accessed.