There's Still Time to Plant the Vegetable Garden

 The record rainfall this spring has prevented some Iowans from planting their vegetable gardens. Fortunately, there is still time to plant many vegetable crops. The last practical dates to plant specific crops in central Iowa are listed below. The last practical planting dates are one week earlier in northern Iowa. The dates for southern Iowa are one week later.


June 20---tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, muskmelons*, watermelons*

July 1---lima beans, sweet corn*

July 20---cucumbers, summer squash

August 1---beets, carrots, snap beans, Swiss chard


* denotes early maturing cultivars such as:

Muskmelon — Goddess, Passport, Halona

Watermelon — Yellow Doll, Baby Doll, Bush Sugar Baby

Sweet Corn — Early Sunglow, Northern Xtra-Sweet, Spring Treat


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