Ambruzs joins Plant Disease Clinic

Welcome! Barbara Ambruzs is a new member of the Plant Disease Clinic team. Barbara received her Master's degree in plant pathology from Colorado State University in 1999. During her studies and after graduation she worked as the diagnostician in the Plant Identification and Diagnostic Service at Colorado State.

Barbara's responsibilities at Iowa State University will include providing diagnosis of plant problems submitted to the Plant Disease Clinic, preparing timely Extension publications, and conducting Extension programs that draw on Clinic information and experience. She will also have primary responsibility for questions relating to turfgrass diseases.

Stop by the Plant Disease Clinic, 323 Bessey Hall, to welcome Barbara. She may also be reached by phone at 515-294-0581 or by email

Clinic Reminders

  • A good sample and detailed background information are important for plant problem diagnosis. Pm-1542, "Tips for Providing Plant Insect Samples to ISU" is a good reference for clients that need information on collecting and submitting plant samples.
  • PD 31, "Plant Disease Identification Form", should be completed and submitted with plant samples. Photos are helpful.
  • The Plant Disease Clinic Report is mailed to the person listed under "submitted by" on form PD 31. In many cases, this is the county extension office. There is a box on the form that can be checked if the report should be mailed directly to the owner.
  • Boxes of various sizes, a bubble packet, and mailing labels can be ordered from Extension Distribution. PDO-25 3 inch box PDO-26 6 inch box PDO-28 12 inch box EDC-114 bubble packet EDC-113 mailing labels
  • A $10 fee is assessed per plant sample. Please include a check or money order payable to Iowa State University.

Please contact us at 515-294-0581 if you have any questions.

Paula Flynn
Barbara Ambruzs

This article originally appeared in the February 9, 2001 issue, p. 8.


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