Predicting the Harvest Time for the Flowering Vegetables

It is often difficult to estimate when vegetable crops will be ready to be harvested. Weather conditions effect growth and development of the crop and can advance or delay maturity. For flowering vegetables, days from flowering provides a fairly accurate determination of harvest time.

Days from Flowering to Maturity

Crop Time (Days)
Bean, snap 7-10
Corn, sweet 15-23 (from silking)
Cucumber, slicing 15-18
Eggplant (2/3 maximum size) 25-40
Muskmelon 42-46
Okra 4-6
Pepper, green stage 45-55
Pepper, red stage 60-70
Pumpkin, jack-o'-lantern 60-90
Squash, summer, crookneck 6-7
Squash, summer, zucchini 3-4
Squash, winter, acorn 55-60
Squash, winter, butternut 60-70
Squash, winter, hubbard 80-90
Tomato, red 40-50
Watermelon, large 50-60
Watermelon, icebox 28-32

This article originally appeared in the June 16, 2000 issue, p. 72.


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